From Arlene:
I am sorry that you did not like my original answer to your question, however, I am not going to engage on the topic any longer. If you continue to spam the support queue about the players whom you reported for cheating -- which were investigated -- we will be forced to block your access to support
Above is what Arlene wrote because she did not like what I had to say.I complained about Arlene on feedback & that is the response I got from Arlene . I guess she is in charge of answering complaints about her. Arlene refuses to answer tickets, she just closes them or give the same generic copy & paste answer. If u ask for a follow up answer , Arlene threatens to block u from submitting tickets.There are so many ongoing bugs, glitches, cheating going on & PG does NOT take any corrective action,maybe that is because PG allows their employees to play the game. PG just cares about is finding new ways to get more money out of us. It used to be a fun game but now it is getting ridiculous.
Santa Lion about Tap Paradise Cove: Explore Pirate Bays and Treasure Islands